Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Feeling inspirationally stumped

Feeling a little drier than I like to be, I decided (wise or not) to release some older work...

Drive me away, oh drive me away
From this place, I cannot stay here.
The fondness I find from deep inside
Is gone, has vanished I fear.

Take me away, oh take me away,
let me be gone, let me be free
Free to write songs, free to write words
of lyrics and sweet poetry.

Give me the map, please give me the map
Let me show you a place we can go,
A place of just light, no darkness in sight
A place where inspiration grows

Follow the road, just follow the road
Yp ahead is where we should be
To enjoy the beautiful surroundings,
To think and be inherently free

But wait, just wait, it seems that we meet
A fork, a choice, a potential defeat
where logic and passion at rivalry head,
Must leave me abandoned to weep

Had I taken that road, had passion won me over
Little can I see where I'd be
A mountain? The sea? Or quite possibly
Holding on to a four-leaved clover.

"It is not about luck", I heard a voice say
"It comes from within you, in a heavenly way"
I shivered and shook at the thought that I
was the only one who knew what to say

"But please, oh mercy" I cried to the voice
"Why give me the chance? The impossible choice?"
"I have given your gift", the voice replied,
As to how you should use it is what you decide

"But please oh please, what if I make the wrong choice?"
"You won't my daughter" the voice had thundered
"I have given you reason and passion besides,
the balance you choose is what I have wondered"

So I embraced rationale and passion at each side,
A thought, a breath, a word,
And question how I may be able to ride
The eternal sunshine of my spotless mind.

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