Thursday, 25 February 2010

A knight with His armour

My dark knight, you rescue me from myself
The depths to which I would go in my mind to not surface again
Never remain unchallenged
You look me in the eye and without a word I disappear from myself
Lost in the translation of your thoughts and the love in your eyes
You hold back the branches which would otherwise swipe me down
Only to help me see the path I walk
Hands intertwined, you grip and pull me onward until I keep the pace of you
We run, we jump, we look skyward, embracing the risk that we may fall
But keeping our eyes ever fixed up and our hands ever bound freely
We are kept on our feet
The terrain turns upwards, the rocks tumble down
Yet we continue just to climb on the ground which though not visible is the earth upon which our safety is sound.
A breathing moment to take a rest, I see into your eyes, and soon we are on our feet again running for our lives
It is not what we are running from which is that which keeps us going
But that which we run towards, that keeps our beating hearts synchronized.

My dark knight is a gift from whom I owe my whole life to,
Who has given me everything I know, and could take it away too.
But trust I found has lit my way, and given me this heart
That has its own hearing too to beat the same, though apart.

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